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In order to keep your vocal system healthy, or treat vocal issues, you must always combine a proper exercise, a healthy diet, and cleansing of your larynx area, according to the following rules.


    • Exercise your vocal cords and other vocal muscles, moving them gently, in order to release them and make them more flexible. This can help you treat many vocal issues.
    • It is also recommended to exercise with aTPV device.
    • Before any intense vocal efforts, make sure to carry out vocal warm-up exercises. After such efforts, make sure to carry out vocal release exercises.
    • All exercises must include muscle contraction and release.
    • If you are hoarse, you must move your vocal cords in a gentle and controlled way. If you keep shouting, throat-clearing and keep speaking loudly for a long time, you will only make matters worse. Therefore, give your vocal system a sufficient rest, avoiding unnecessary efforts.


  • You must also give your vocal system a rest after any long and intense vocal effort.
  • Perform vocal exercises using a drinking straw, nose clip and upper lip clip. The nose clip will enhance the front resonance, and nasal and sinuses resonance. The upper lip clip will help you generate a sound with your mouth closed, thus minimizing the vocal cords, pressure. Therefore, this exercises is recommended during hoarseness.




  • Gently exercising will only make matters worse in case your larynx is infected with bacteria or phlegm, or your vocal cords zone suffers from acid reflux.


Clearing your larynx, and your respiratory system of undesirable substance can significantly improve not only your vocal system’s health but even your vocal, quality. This is so because your resonance cavities, affect your vocal quality even stronger than your vocal cords do.

What to do:


  • Exercise with a TPV device, while inhaling the vapors. This will not only clear your vocal cords of phlegm but also stretch and release them.
  • Wash your sinuses and clear them with a sinus cone.
  • Perform the following acid-cleansing exercises:
  • Breath in deeply, and then breathe out intensely.
  • Optionally, stretch while breathing in, raising your hands, and bed your body down while breathing out.
  • Gargle and wash your mouth with salt water
  • Take salt therapy
  • Attend saunas


A Healthy Diet

A proper diet, too, is essential to your vocal quality, since digestion disorders might affect your vocal cords’ performance.

Eating an unhealthy diet, or eating too much before bedtime, can cause acid reflux or heartburn. This will immediately damage your vocal quality, and increase your chance of developing chronic conditions.

The symptoms of such conditions are suffocation, constant cough, and vocal weakness. Some doctors even believe they trigger vocal cords lesions such as warts and polyps.

What to do


  • Preferably, eat small meals at small intervals.


  • Eat unprocessed, basic food.
  • Preferably, eat your food at room temperature. Avoid eating food right after it’s out of the refrigerator, or when it’s too hot since this makes it harder to digest.
  • Carefully make sure to eat the following food groups:
    • Fibers;
    • Beans;
    • Fruits;
    • Vegetables;
    • Whole proteins
  • Minimize the intake of the following:
    • White sugar, salt, white flour, and dairy products, “the white foursome”.
    • If you are sensitive to the following foods, reduce them:
      • Allergenic foods;
      • Fried food;
      • Smoked food;
      • Spicy foods;
      • Pepper
      • Tomatoes
      • Smoked eggplant
      • Cabbage
      • Cauliflower
      • Acid foods, such as animal protein (meat and eggs)

As a rule, reduce the intake of any food you found you’re sensitive to.

So keep safe and sound!

Talya- TMRG voice specialist,