For treating an existing disorder, take them daily, depending on the extent of the problem. When there are no problems, you can take them before vocal activity, for regularly maintaining or improving your voice.
As long as you need them, either before a performance, for regularly maintaining your voice, or until improvement.
The expiry date is mentioned on the bottle, according to Ministry of Health’s regulations. Usually, their shelf life is 3 years long.
The use instructions clearly specify the dosage in the cases of regular maintenance, before vocal activity and acute problem treatment.
We have vocal instructional ebooks on preventing hoarseness and on vocal cords stress relief techniques, complete with home practice instructions.
Also our newsletter offers many exercises, tips and tricks to help keep your vocal health in check.
In case of an acute disorder, use it until recovery. In case the problem is just strain, we recommend you use it when necessary, or regularly, before any vocal effort.
A regular use has the benefit of preserving and improving your vocal capabilities, resulting in easy, effortless singing or speaking.
Not at all! But be careful, since the results are (LOL)