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Your diaphragm is the source of your vocal energy, and therefore you must control it, for healthy and correct vocal performance. if your diaphragm cannot move freely, it can also disrupt your vocal cords function.

It is a large, cap-like muscle, situated between your ribcage and abdominal cavity.

Upon inhaling, your abdomen is contracted, thus lowering and flattening your diaphragm.

This, in turn, pushes your abdominal muscles out, widening the ribcage cavity, milling your lungs with fresh air.

Upon exhaling, you relax your diaphragm, forcing it upwards again, thus drawing your abdominal muscles in and forcing the air of your lungs.

During a vocal performance, the airflow makes your cords vibrate, thus generating a sound.

By moving your abdominal muscles in and out, you can raise and lower your diaphragm, even though it is an involuntary muscle.

When making a sound, you should gradually raise your diaphragm by drawing your abdomen muscles in. This is called vocal support.

The purpose of vocal support is to make sure the diaphragm is contracted and relaxed exactly at the right speed and intensity, and exactly at the right moment.

The reasons for movement imbalances of your diaphragm:

  • General physical fatigue
  • Vocal fatigue
  • Hoarseness
  • Vocal system lesions
  • Incorrect vocal technique
  • Overstraining of the diaphragm
  • Insufficient exercise of the diaphragm

What to do?

In order to make your diaphragm move smoothly, you must press it hard and fast.

Therefore, before any vocal effort, exercise your abdominal muscles in order to activate your diaphragm:

Draw your abdomen in and push it out forcefully, several times, making no sound.

If you have no vocal cords lesions or any vocal issues, hum mildly while moving your abdomen.


Never put off the treatment of your vocal issues! They might grow worse due to the strain you put on your vocal cords, especially in the case of lesions or incomplete closure of the vocal cords.

If a problem persists for more than two weeks, treat it immediately!

We, TMRG voice specialists, treat all kinds of vocal issues, and have scored many successes. Our therapy plan offers a variety of solutions, such as:

  • Vocal cords strength and flexibility improvement;
  • vocal cords moisturizing;
  • Shortening the recovery from lesions;
  • Vocal cords better closure, and so on.

We are here for any question.

Avi Pilo TMRG voice specialist