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Vocal professionals, as well as people with vocal issues, must kick-start their vocal cords gradually, in order to make them move safely and comfortably during a vocal-effort.

In other words, they must accelerate their movement, so the vocal cords will start the performance when their cords are already on the move, not when they are at rest.

Vocal effort, just like any physical effort, is much easier when you build up a momentum. It is essential for guaranteeing a smooth, and effortless operation of the cords, especially when the performance required high vocal intensity.

If you start your performance after warming up your vocal system, you perform with glamor and precision. Otherwise, it sounds parched.

A vocal warm-up means moving your vocal cords mildly. Just as a vaccine, that is, a mild form of a disease helps you fight it, this movement can shorten the healing of hoarseness and vocal difficulties resulting from overstrained vocal cords, as well as the recovery process.


How it works?

Once you exercising your vocal muscles, they gradually build up the energy required. As a result, they’ll move more easily, generating a greater vocal intensity.

Before any vocal effort, perform several short vocal exercises. For example, make ascending and descending sounds, or hum gently, while gargling water.

Exercise with a TPV device

A 3 to 4 minutes of exercising with TPV device is equivalent to a 30-minute exercise without it.

  • At first, fill the water bottle up to one-third. Gradually increase the amount of water, up to 3 fourths of the capacity, in order to increase the intensity of the exercise. Also, expand your tone range during exercises.
  • Inhale the hot vapors through the tube and then exhale, while making sounds.

The inhalation allows you to rinse and release your vocal cords.

We will soon inform you about other vocal cords exercises you can carry out with a TPV device.


TMRG solutions, too, help you accelerate the movement of your vocal cords. They also achieve the following:

  • Improving the blood supply to your larynx and vocal cords area;
  • Removing accumulated waste, such as phlegm or acidity
  • Disinfection and regeneration of the affected and worn-off outer layer of your vocal cords.


An effective preparation for a vocal effort involves warming up your vocal system. The warm-up works like the acceleration of an engine: it gradually makes it move with greater intensity.

Therefore, you cannot engage the second gear and higher, before engaging the first one!


So keep safe-and sound!

Talya, a TMRG voice specialist