A hoarseness lasting longer than a week is not uncommon. Hoarseness, in general, is most annoying, and must be treated with strong measures, or it might persist for very long. Getting hoarse is easy, but getting rid of hoarseness is much harder. It can be compared to a moving object: according to the Law of Inertia, it keeps moving, unless you use continuous force on it.
Causes for hoarseness:
First, you must diagnose the cause, and then take vocal hygiene measures
In addition to using TMRG products designed to help an effective recovery of the larynx, and isolating the disorder as best as possible, in order to avoid further deterioration, I recommend exercising throughout the day, in order to release your voice box muscles and help the recovery.
Short, frequent exercises of you vocal cords and other voice musces, 1 to 3 minutes-long once every two hours, significantly helps you release your voice muscles.
Recommended exercises:
In case of vocal cord hemorrhage, or if your doctor ordered you a complete silence, after a surgery, do not exercise.
To conclude, if you got hoarse, you must make every possible effort to get rid of your hoarseness. Muscle release exercises throughout the day, is a most important part of the treatment, in addition to using TMRG products or any other treatment.
Check out TMRG Classic Spray; Ideal for mild cases of hoarseness.
Have a great week,