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A hoarseness lasting longer than a week is not uncommon. Hoarseness, in general, is most annoying, and must be treated with strong measures, or it might persist for very long. Getting hoarse is easy, but getting rid of hoarseness is much harder. It can be compared to a moving object: according to the Law of Inertia, it keeps moving, unless you use continuous force on it.

Causes for hoarseness:

First, you must diagnose the cause, and then take vocal hygiene measures

  1. The most common cause is cold-related wintertime illnesses. Usually, they are through within 2 weeks.
  2. Over-strained and incorrect use of the vocal cords, not preceded by warm-ups or not followed by vocal release exercises.
  3. Smoking
  4. Voice box disorders or findings, such as polyps, warts, edemas, a paralyzed cord, phlegm, or other.
  5. Stage-fright or another causes of mental stress;
  6. Allergies;
  7. Indigestion-related disorders, particularly gastric reflux and stomach acidity affecting the vocal cords.
  8. Insufficiently deep breath, caused by too fast speech with not enough inhalation pauses;
  9. Improper posture or chin position, since a pressure on your cervical vertebrae directly affects your vocal cords.
  10. Inadequate mimics or facial movements, such as lazy tongue syndrome, or too weak lip muscles.
  11. Coughing, throat-clearing, laughing loudly, or whispering
  12. Speaking in a tone incompatible with one’s natural tone, namely either too high or too low one.
  13. Use of certain medications dehydrating your vocal cords.
  14. Sleeplessness and tiredness.
  15. Vocal cords dehydration, due to inhaling air-conditioning systems’ air, or any other dry air, and for other reasons. Since vocal cords must be moist in order to function, carefully remember to drink water throughout the day,
  16. Singing or speaking in a noisy surroundings, with insufficient sound amplification; under-powered monitors, which cannot allow the singer hear his own voice clearly; The ensemble’s sound volume overwhelming that of the singer’s voice;
  17. Smoky performance space;
  18. Exposure to cold weather or extreme weather changes;
  19. Alcohol consumption, which dehydrates the vocal cords.


In addition to using TMRG products designed to help an effective recovery of the larynx, and isolating the disorder as best as possible, in order to avoid further deterioration, I recommend exercising throughout the day, in order to release your voice box muscles and help the recovery.

Short, frequent exercises of you vocal cords and other voice musces, 1 to 3 minutes-long once every two hours, significantly helps you release your voice muscles.

Recommended exercises:

  • Hum, gently, ascending and descending tones, or a simple tune.
  • Role your lips, keeping them relaxed, and make sounds, while puffing your cheeks to enhance the feel of front resonance.
  • Insert a drinking straw into a small bottle, half-filled with water, and blow a tune into it, making bubbles. You can also carry out this exercise without using water.
  • Gargle a little water while making a sound.
  • Release your tongue, by rotating it inside and outside your mouth. This exercise is essential for your vocal cords release, since by relaxing your tongue, you relax your whole voice box.

In case of vocal cord hemorrhage, or if your doctor ordered you a complete silence, after a surgery, do not exercise.

To conclude, if you got hoarse, you must make every possible effort to get rid of your hoarseness. Muscle release exercises throughout the day, is a most important part of the treatment, in addition to using TMRG products or any other treatment.

Check out TMRG Classic Spray; Ideal for mild cases of hoarseness.

Have a great week,
