Any hoarseness lasting longer than 14 days, requires treatment which will not only provide an immediate relief, but will deal with the reasons for the problem.
It is very important to have an ENT specialist’s diagnosis, preferably a stroboscopic examination of your cords. It is necessary mainly in order to rule out any malignancies, and detect bleeding. In the latter case, you should have a vocal rest, under the doctor’s recommendations.
In case of malignant lesions, you must follow the specialist’s orders, of course. But, the doctor may also recommend surgery in case of benign yet large lesions, such as warts or polyps. Very often, lesions can be cured without surgery. The latter is inevitable only in life-threatening situations, such as a blockage of respiration. Otherwise, use conservative therapy, combined with a follow-up by your attending physician.
On certain occasions, your ENT doctor may prescribe you medications such as anti-acids, steroids, antibiotics, expectorants, antihistamines, decongestants, etc., as well as consulting a speech therapist.
The aforementioned medications may have side effects harmful to your vocal performance, such as:
Vocal cords dehydration, as a result of using decongestants or antihistamines for treating allergies;
Bleeding or polyps, when using steroids during intense vocal efforts;
Steroids injected or taken by mouth may cause edginess, fatigue, weight-gain, and other side effects. Use steroids only when it is absolutely necessary, for example, in case you lost your voice shortly before a vocal performance.
Therefore, to avoid these vocal side effects, we recommend consulting a vocal cords specialist.
In addition, ENT specialists have very long waiting lists, so you should better start treating your hoarseness right away, to avoid any further deterioration.
The best solution: TMRG products and exercises
Vocal exercises with a TPV device, combined with using TMRG natural products, is an easy self-care, suitable for all types of hoarseness.
It can support a speech therapists’ or vocal teacher’s recommended treatment or any other treatment, and is effective on its own just as well. Many speech therapists recommend this treatment to their patients.
In addition to providing an immediate relief, it will also embed your muscle-memory with the proper technique of using your vocal cords with minimum effort. It will also shorten the recovery of your vocal system.