It turns out that it’s the speaking after a day of singing, performing or lecturing, that causes many disorders, and sometimes is the cause of the vocal fatigue, or, professionally speaking, vocal hyper function.
So, after your voice-generating muscles had been overworking intensely, they, too, should have a well-earned rest.
So take an easy and helpful tip on how to relax the vocal chords’ muscles and joints while keeping talking. It is recommended all the time, but especially after a performance or a lecture.
Speak low. Don’t whisper low, as romantic songs suggest, but speak in a low, bass tone, letting the voice resonate from lower resonance area, in a chest resonance.
Bear in mind that your vocal cords contract when you speak in high tones, and relax when you use lower tones.
Speaking in low pitches, you will immediately experience a greater vocal cords release.